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Showing 2321 - 2340 of 2741 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Human Physiology, Computational Modelling, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Multi-scale Analysis, Non-invasive Diagnostics, Cellular and Organ Biology.
School of Biomedical Sciences
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- Supervisor
RNA, mRNA translation, ribosomes, RNA-binding proteins, long non-coding RNAs, mRNA splicing, Drosophila, spermatogenesis.
School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
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- Supervisor
finite element methods, computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, partial differential equations, optimal control, Gaussian process for machine learning, surrogate-based optimisation.
School of Computer Science
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- Supervisor
Tactile Sensing.
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
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- Supervisor
Invasive Alien Species, Invasive Non Native Species, Wildlife Diseases, Host-Parasite Interactions, Behavioural Ecology, Sexual Selection, Biosecurity, Extinction.
School of Biology
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- Supervisor
bio-mechatronics, robotics, medical robotics, rehabilitation and assistive technologies, intelligent control, locomotion, sensors, actuators.
School of Mechanical Engineering
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- Supervisor
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
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- Supervisor
Flexible working arrangements, non-standard employment, insecurity & precarity, platform economy, mental health & wellbeing.
People, Work and Employment
- Type
- Project
Supply chains are coordinated flows of materials from the suppliers to the locations where they are consumed [1]. Their dynamics can be very...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded
- Type
- Project
Public transport involves more than getting as quickly and cheaply as possible from A to B. As for many people the use of transport forms a ...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Project
Our lab has been investigating how the nervous system controls the cardiovascular system for many years. We have recently conducted mRNAseq ...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Project
Approaches relying on nonlinear dynamics and statistical mechanics have provided compelling models and crucial insights to understand interd...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded
- Type
- Project
Endothelial cells line the blood vessels and play a central role in vascular function. Weibel Palade bodies (WPBs) are specialized storage v...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Project
The induction of effective immune responses to tumours can provide long-lasting protection from cancer. In this regard, cytotoxic CD8+ T cel...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Supervisor
Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade, Economic Development, The Chinese Economy.
International Business
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- Supervisor
Structural Biology, Electron Microscopy, Membrane Proteins, Structure Based Drug Design, Time resolved Electron microscopy Sample preparation.
School of Biomedical Sciences
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- Supervisor
Corporate Finance, Big Data, Financing Policy, Capital Structure, Earnings Management.
Accounting and Finance
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- Supervisor
Careers, work and employment, skills, career capital, critical realism, realist social theory, human resource management, research methods.
People, Work and Employment
- Type
- Supervisor
Neuroscience, biophysics, ion channel regulation & modulation, excitability, pain.
School of Biomedical Sciences
- Type
- Supervisor
Genomics, Animal models of brain disorders, Brain biochemistry, Behavioural pharmacology.
School of Biomedical Sciences