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Showing 1861 - 1880 of 2736 results
- Type
- Supervisor
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
receptor-glycan interaction, pathogen recognition, cell signalling, antigen specific immunoregulation, viral infection allergy and autoimmune diseases, nanoglycobiology.
School of Food Science and Nutrition
- Type
- Supervisor
behaviour change, complex intervention development and evaluation, implementation science, patient and public involvement in research.
School of Dentistry
- Type
- Supervisor
School of Mechanical Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Wages, Human capital, HRM practices, Firm performance, Immigration.
International Business
- Type
- Supervisor
Clinical Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Use of population-based data in observational and randomised formats to study cardiovascular care and outcomes.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
passenger and freight transport models, stated preference studies, project appraisal.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Separation Catalysts Materials Clean energy Water Treatment and Biotechnology.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Diet and health, secondary plant metabolites, flavonoids, antioxidants, oxidative stress and inflammation, molecular nutrition, functional food, gene-nutrient interactions, trace element metabolism.
School of Food Science and Nutrition
- Type
- Supervisor
ferroelectric materials, piezoelectric materials and devices, oxide ceramics, thin films, single crystals, functional composites.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Haemostasis, Thrombosis, Blood Coagulation, Vascular Biology, Fibrinogen, Factor XIII, Clot Structure.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
project management, operational research, productivity improvement, IT in engineering management, risk management, and knowledge management in engineering projects.
School of Civil Engineering
- Type
- Research area
We offer PhD projects in aerosols and atmospheric chemistry, along with their links to air quality and climate change. We develop advanced c...
- Type
- Research area
With a vision of 50 active years after 50, we're dedicated to improving the quality of life of an ageing population. We focus on longer-last...
- Type
- Research area
We seek to understand the vital resource that is our atmosphere, which is essential for a sustainable future. Amongst other things, atmosphe...
- Type
- Research area
The Translational and Clinical Research group focusses on caries and dental erosion research and their implications for oral health, togethe...
- Type
- Research area
Within the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Group we aim to target the repair, regeneration or replacement of skeletal tissues. ...
- Type
- Research area
Studying for a research degree in the School of Performance and Cultural Industries will allow you to become an expert in a specialist area ...
- Type
- Project
Accretion discs are a basic building block of many astrophysical systems. The discs that are observed around young stars are where planets f...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Project
The study of minimal surfaces constitutes a central area of research in mathematics, with applications in both geometry and theoretical phys...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded