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Showing 801 - 820 of 2732 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Entrepreneurship, Rural Enterprise, Strategic Management, Small Business, Qualitative Research Methods.
- Type
- Supervisor
Labour economics, Development, Gender.
- Type
- Supervisor
Inclusive Education, SEN, Disability, Cystic Fibrosis, Children and Young People, Patient Engagement.
School of Education
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- Supervisor
volcanic and magmatic processes, igneous geochemistry, petrology.
School of Earth and Environment
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- Supervisor
Realist research methodology, vulnerability and flourishing, health and social care.
School of Sociology and Social Policy
- Type
- Supervisor
School of Mathematics
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- Supervisor
Intellectual property, trade & sustainable development, health, law & regulation of food agriculture & gene technology innovation, traditional knowledge & cultures, bioprospecting, Indigenous Peoples.
School of Law
- Type
- Supervisor
Dialects and non-standard varieties of British English, corpus linguistics, digital humanities, discourse analysis, language of the media, language of politics.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Creative enterprise creative places entrepreneurship and cultural & creative industries.
School of Performance and Cultural Industries
- Type
- Supervisor
Race, gender, sexuality, state formation, statehood, modernity, colonialism, imperialism, Middle East, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Ottoman Empire, International Relations.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
- Type
- Supervisor
Economic Sociology, Alternative Economies, Relational Sociology, Green Finance, Climate Futures, Energy Retrofit, Consumer Behaviour, Sociological Theory.
School of Sociology and Social Policy
- Type
- Supervisor
The politics of language, language in history, language and power, language and literature, the language and literature of Liverpool 1850- present, Irish studies, visual culture, digital humanities.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
World Cinemas, Participatory Video, Arts for Development, the role of arts-based practices in mental health research, community engagement and AMR, Cultural Studies, GDR Studies, German Cinema.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
- Type
- Supervisor
geophysical fluid dynamics, atmospheric physics, boundary-layer meteorology, mountain meteorology, environmental hazards.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Banking and finance law.
School of Law
- Type
- Supervisor
sustainable business models ecological economics post-/de-growth eco-anxiety in sustainability education.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Instrument design and development, Data standards: large data, Lidar remote sensing, Atmospheric measurement, Extreme environment deployments, Volcanic ash characterisation.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Contemporary literature and film, disability studies, medical humanities, postcolonial literature and film, Indigenous literature and film.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
AI ArtificialIntelligence Language Computing Linguistics MachineLearning DataMining NaturalLanguageProcessing TextAnalytics English Arabic Quran Religious Health Medical Text Autism CorpusLinguistics.
School of Computer Science
- Type
- Supervisor
Information and communication technologies, distributed systems, Internet of things, distributed ledger technology, 5G/6G, cloud/edge computing, service-orientation, technology impacts in society.
School of Computer Science