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Showing 781 - 800 of 2732 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Medieval/byzantine history, disability, gender and sexuality, ecclesiastical history.
School of History
- Type
- Supervisor
Production and flow of international news, journalists' safety, media and journalism in Africa, communication for development, news agencies, methodology, communication of climate change.
School of Media and Communication
- Type
- Supervisor
Mathematical Physics, Discrete and Continuous Integrable Systems, Quantum Integrability, Painleve Equations, Lagrangian Multiform Theory, Integrable Lattice Equations.
School of Mathematics
- Type
- Supervisor
legal education, legal strategy, contract law, tort law, clinical legal education, dispute resolution, SQE, legal profession, employability.
School of Law
- Type
- Supervisor
decolonising development, gender and development, knowledge, civil society, power, South Asia, East Africa.
School of Politics and International Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
non-equilibrium statistical physics, evolutionary dynamics, mathematical biology, complex systems, individual-based models, stochastic processes, evolutionary game theory, opinion dynamics.
School of Mathematics
- Type
- Supervisor
Computer Arithmetic, Mathematical Software.
School of Computer Science
- Type
- Supervisor
medicinal chemistry | computer-aided drug design (CADD) | anti-infective drug discovery.
School of Chemistry
- Type
- Supervisor
Tropical meteorology, atmospheric convection, weather, climate change, monsoons, Africa, India, Sahara, dust, land-atmosphere interaction, prediction across time-scales.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Railway traffic management, Train operation and control, Railway control command and signalling, System verification and validation.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
inverse problems, boundary element method, method of fundamental solution, industrial mathematics, heat and mass transfer, porous media, critical Stokes number.
School of Mathematics
- Type
- Supervisor
Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Computational Physics, Lattice Gauge Theory, Satistical Field Theory.
School of Mathematics
- Type
- Supervisor
, , French music and culture (1870-1939), music and national European and religious identities, the impact of war on musical production, music and cultural diplomacy, musical women.
School of Music
- Type
- Supervisor
Judgment and Decision Making Metacognition Memory Consumption Experiences Goals and Motivation.
- Type
- Supervisor
life cycle assessment, pavement design and recycling, road safety.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Education in Global Development, Education for Social Justice, Peacebuilding, Education in Conflict, Youth Engagement in Sustainable Development, Participatory Arts and Non-Formal Education.
School of Politics and International Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Environmental humanities, culture and climate change, nature writing, British Romanticism.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Cultural historical political or theoretical aspects of the discipline of sociology.
School of Sociology and Social Policy
- Type
- Supervisor
literacy & language learning difficulties, dyslexia, child development, impact of poverty on health cognition & learning, impact evaluation, assessment for learning, inclusion & equity in education.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
History of India 19th and 20th Centuries, Religion, Indian Politics, Politics of Caste and Tribe, British Asian histories.
School of History