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Showing 761 - 780 of 2732 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Ophthalmic Research, Medical Genetics, Inherited Retinal Disease, Vascular biology, Next-Generation Sequencing.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Oral Medicine, Amelogenesis Imperfecta, Genetics, Managed Clinical Networks, Specialty Training, Medical Emergencies in the Dental Setting.
School of Dentistry
- Type
- Supervisor
Extracellular matrix (matricellular) proteins, cardiac fibrosis and inflammation, cardiac injury and remodelling.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Epigenetics, single cell, oocyte, preimplantation embryo, genomic imprinting, human assisted reproduction, DNA methylation molecular embryology, oocyte gene.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
evaluation of mobile technologies, transport policy, social research in transport, road safety analysis, walking.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
maternity services, pregnancy and childbirth, midwifery, quality, evaluation, education, leadership.
School of Healthcare
- Type
- Supervisor
Risk Taking Individual Differences Decision Making Gambling Lifespan Psychology.
Analytics, Technology and Operations
- Type
- Supervisor
Early Years, parental engagement, professional development, speech language and communication, literacy, evaluation, randomised controlled trials.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
, Dynamo theory, the solar cycle and solar dynamo, turbulence, convection, direct statistical simulation.
School of Mathematics
- Type
- Supervisor
Digital/Data Inequalities, Gender Feminist STS, Digital Methods.
School of Media and Communication
- Type
- Supervisor
Health law, children’s rights, legal and political theory, legal humanities, feminist theory, law and social studies of science.
School of Law
- Type
- Supervisor
Feminist media studies, gender and sexualities in cinema and culture, women filmmakers and media history, postfeminist culture.
School of Media and Communication
- Type
- Supervisor
social movements, future imaginaries, environmental justice, environmental anthropology, environmental and sustainability education, ethnography, India, Nepal, South Africa.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Language variation and identity, social class, ethnography, spoken discourse analysis, language attitudes and ideologies, classroom discourse, teacher professional development.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
climate politics, water politics, political ecology, International Relations theory, conflict peacebuilding and development, Middle East politics.
School of Politics and International Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Italian literature from 19th C to today, theory of the novel, metanarration metafiction, history of reading, literary representation of reading and readers, the theme of writing, women's writing.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
- Type
- Supervisor
visualization, human-computer interaction, visual analytics, data quality, health informatics, gigapixel displays.
School of Computer Science
- Type
- Supervisor
International Society, Global Governance and the UN, Responsibility to Protect, Foreign Policy, Pragmatic Constructivist IR theory and Ontological Security.
School of Politics and International Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Creative nonfiction Jewish studies Gender studies Histories and theories of photography.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
African theatre, community theatre, Theatre for Development, African literature, Applied arts.
School of English