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Showing 2121 - 2140 of 2738 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Evolutionary biology, population genetics, Genomics, Disease ecology, Conservation biology, Marine mammal ecology and conservation, Emerging infectious diseases, Parasites and pathogens.
School of Biology
- Type
- Supervisor
Reduced kinetic mechanisms, turbulence modelling and simulation, turbulent reacting flows, turbulent multi-phase flows, numerical solution methods: RANS LES and DNS CFD approaches.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
communication networks, energy efficient communication networks and systems, optical wireless systems and networks, WDM networks, optical fibre communication systems, wireless and cellular networks.
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Plant science, genetics, molecular biology, sustainable agriculture, plant developmental biology: plant environmental responses.
- Type
- Supervisor
banking, financial market dynamics, financial frictions and real economic dynamics.
Accounting and Finance
- Type
- Supervisor
Population and community ecology and evolution, species responses to environmental change, sustainable agriculture, ecosystem services, biological control, trophic interactions.
School of Biology
- Type
- Supervisor
Gender Sexuality Religion Race Popular Culture Performance Art Institutional Cultures.
School of Sociology and Social Policy
- Type
- Supervisor
Evolutionary Developmental Biology (evodevo), Arthropod Developmental Biology, Insect Body Segmentation, Insect Head Development, Developmental Gene Networks, CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing.
School of Biology
- Type
- Supervisor
Raman spectroscopy Crystallography X-ray scattering and imaging (XPDF XPCI) Non-covalent interaction studies (DFT) Non-ambient time-resolved and in situ characterisation technique development.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
biomechanics, medical engineering, medical devices, biotribology, spine, hip pre-clinical testing surgical oncology bone metastases.
School of Mechanical Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
dental public health, population oral health, dental epidemiology, caries detection assessment prevention and tooth-preserving management, primary dental care research, caries outcome measures.
School of Dentistry
- Type
- Supervisor
food systems, sustainability, climate change, ecology, evolution, agriculture, policy, biodiverisity, population dynamics.
School of Biology
- Type
- Research area
You will undertake original research under the supervision of experts from the Centre for Translation Studies and the School of Languages, C...
- Type
- Project
The School of Molecular & Cellular Biology invites applications from prospective postgraduate researchers who wish to commence study for...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Project
The principles of Darwinian evolution were discovered long ago but their consequences for networks of randomly interacting organisms are sti...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded
- Type
- Project
Field theory is the natural mathematical language to explain fundamental physics, from particle physics, to condensed matter, to gravitation...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded
- Type
- Project
Fluid simulation has been widely used in many areas in engineering, ranging from aircraft design to entertainment (games/movies/apps). Theor...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded
- Type
- Supervisor
Murine models of Cardiovascular disease, Surgical methods in murine models, Pathology of cardiovascular system, Laboratory animals, Human Population genetics.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
project management, governance, organisational justice, coping strategies, leadership, organisational learning, social sustainability, digital transformation.
School of Civil Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Exercise, Asthma, Breathlessness, EILO, Cough.