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Showing 2001 - 2020 of 2736 results
- Type
- Supervisor
qualitative research, autism, patient and public involvement in research, complex intervention evaluation, behaviour change in dentistry.
School of Dentistry
- Type
- Supervisor
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Patient Decision Aid Research, Shared Decision Making Intervention Research, Decision Science Methods, Patient and Health Professional Decision Research.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
School of Medicine
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- Research area
Our research includes pioneering work on: microwave, semiconductor, and terahertz technologies, bio-nano and quantum technologies; robotics;...
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- Research area
This research group focuses on the application of assembly-based approaches for the generation of new functional materials.
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- Supervisor
Plant nematology.
School of Biology
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- Supervisor
Arts and science, participatory design, design theory, cultural product innovation, mathematics and art, arts integrated education, maker-centred learning, STEAM (arts in STEM), human-centred science.
School of Design
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- Supervisor
IDEA: The Ethics Centre
- Type
- Supervisor
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
trust, ethics, moral psychology, moral emotion, psychology of ethics, philosophy of action, philosophy of science, ethics of artificial intelligence.
IDEA: The Ethics Centre
- Type
- Supervisor
aviation, pilot training, airline and airport operations, aircraft maintenance and reliability, aviation meteorology, energy, PV/T hybrid system design and modelling, energy usage modelling.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Type
- Research area
The Appetite Control and Energy Balance (ACEB) research group is part of the Human Appetite Research Unit (HARU), and studies peptides and g...
- Type
- Project
The pre- and per-implantation period of pregnancy is critical not only for pregnancy success but changes to the maternal environment during ...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Funding
A highly competitive School of Mathematics Scholarship providing full Academic Fees at the UK fee rate (currently £4,786 in academic s...
Application deadline | Ongoing
- Type
- Research area
The Masters by Research is a 12 month research project (24 months part-time). It is distinct from our taught Masters programmes and involves...
- Type
- Supervisor
DNA repair DNA damage response BRCA1 DNA repair pathway choice structural biology.
- Type
- Supervisor
Real-time systems and networks distributed embedded systems on-chip multiprocessing wireless communications energy-efficient computing cyber-physical systems cloud and high-performance computing.
School of Computer Science
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- Supervisor
- Type
- Supervisor
microwaves, millimetre-waves, robotics, antennas, system-in-package technology.
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering