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Showing 1881 - 1900 of 2737 results
- Type
- Project
The study of minimal surfaces constitutes a central area of research in mathematics, with applications in both geometry and theoretical phys...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded
- Type
- Supervisor
amelogenesis imperfecta, enamel, iPSCs, CRISPR, Cas9, Gene editing, Heimler syndrome, inherited retinal disease, whole exome sequencing, drug screening, intrinsic disorder, siRNA screening.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Nonlinear stochastic structural dynamics, Performance-based engineering, Uncertainty quantification, System parameter identification and failure detection, Signal processing, Reliability assessment.
School of Civil Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Design Optimisation, Numerical Methods, Tribology, Aerospace Design, Multiscale Modelling, Fluid Structure Interactions.
School of Mechanical Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
School of Mechanical Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Photonics for stress measurements and mechanics of materials Multi-scale modelling and simulations Particulate mechanics Expanded details in: http://wwwspanglefishcom/drsjosephantony/.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
- Type
- Research area
The Maternal, Child and Family Health research theme includes practioners and researchers from a number of different disciplines within heal...
- Type
- Project
Hybrid event beds in confined basins Supervisors: Dr. Adam McArthur (Leeds), Dr. Lawrence Amy (UCD), Prof. David Hodgson (Leeds), Dr. Mattia...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Supervisor
computational & applied geophysics, inverse theory, machine learning & artificial intelligence, seismic interferometry, seismology, imaging science, waveform inversion, wavefield gradiometry.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Cognition, Driving, Human Factors, Perception, Action, Visual Motor Control, Stroke, Rehabilitation, Surgery, fMRI, Computer Simulation, Neuroscience, Computational Modelling, Experimental Psychology.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Violent drug and sexual offending, self-harm, inhibitory control, dissociation and psychosis.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
primary care, ageing research, design & evaluation of complex interventions, ageing research, clinical trials, process evaluation, qualitative methods, mixed method research, systematic reviews.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology, Learning, Decision Making, Sensorimotor, EEG, Virtual Reality, VR, Augmented Reality, AR.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Clinical assessment in Dentistry, curriculum design, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations.
School of Dentistry
- Type
- Supervisor
Patient safety, behaviour change, improvement science, workforce engagement and wellbeing.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Psoriatic arthritis epidemiology, outcomes and clinical phenotypes of psoriatic arthritis, foot disorders in rheumatic diseases.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Behaviour modelling and discrete choice analysis, Transport modelling using big data sources, Transportation in developing countries, Traffic microsimulation.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Human Appetite Control Physical Activity Energy Balance and Obesity Evaluation of anti-obesity agents functional foods for satiety, interaction between biology hunger drive and the social world.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
rehabilitation robotics, exoskeletons and orthotics, robotic mechanisms, robots for orthopaedics and sports, industrial robots for high-value manufacturing, agricultural and underwater robots.
School of Mechanical Engineering
- Type
- Supervisor
Credit Analytics, Financial Distress and Corporate Failure, Private Equity and Venture Capital, ESRC Productivity Project: ES/W010259/1, DBT: Business Finance Policy Forecasting.
Accounting and Finance