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Showing 1841 - 1860 of 2736 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Appetite, Energy Balance, Measurement of Energy Balance Behaviours, Weight Management Interventions, Physiological and Behavioural Mechanisms of Energy Balance Control, Diet Composition and Satiety.
School of Psychology
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- Supervisor
early phase and late phase clinical trials, biostatistics, surgical interventions, medical technology, adaptive trial design, good statistical practice.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Biomechanics, Imaging, Rheumatology, Orthopaedics, hip, knee, ankle, foot.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Anatomy education, digital education, curriculum design, evaluation.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Leading drug discovery programmes, Anti-thrombotics with minimal bleeding risk, Enhancement of fibrinolytic therapy, Prevention of Bleeding in Trauma, Mechanisms of thrombosis.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
restorative dentistry, occlusion, digital dentistry, 3D scanning, 3D printing.
School of Dentistry
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- Supervisor
Assessment Psychometrics Behaviour Change Nudges Mixed methods WBA OSCE Artificial Intelligence.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Antivirals (Viroporins), Viral Oncology (liver brain tumours), Oncolytic Viruses (Reovirus), hepatitis C virus, SARS-CoV2, Zika virus, Influenza, cytomegalovirus.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
leadership, midwifery, health professional education, simulation, obstetric emergencies, critical events, enhanced maternal care, infant nutrition.
School of Healthcare
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- Supervisor
Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis clinical trials, arthritis therapeutics, outcome measurement, imaging.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Cement and concrete science, crystal chemistry, microstructural characterization techniques.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Health policy, Politics of health, Food systems, Intersectionality, Gender, Maternal health, Island health, Caribbean health, Advanced qualitative research methods, Microplanning.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Fire & explosion -hazards protection investigation, fire dynamics & toxicity, fire resistance, gas & dust explosions combustion hydrogen pyrolysis gasification.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
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- Supervisor
resilient and sustainable supply chains, food supply chains, short food supply chains, sustainable operations management, sustainability education.
School of Earth and Environment
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- Supervisor
ecological/environmental economics, nature human-relationships, values and valuation, ecosystem services, water resources, peatlands, land management, phosphorus.
School of Earth and Environment
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- Supervisor
Immunology, Inflammation, Autoinflammatory Disorders, Macrophages, Immunometabolism.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
biomass, bioenergy, combustion, ash, slagging, fouling, pyrolysis, lignocellulosic waste upgrading, fuel characterisation, torrefaction.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
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- Supervisor
glass & mineral science, optical fibre bulk & waveguide lasers and amplific device engineering, pulsed lasers processing, restorative (bone & dental) tissue engineering tissue diagnostics.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
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- Supervisor
CFD, Complex Flow, Flow in Porous Media, Ceramic Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing Battery Manufacturing.
School of Mechanical Engineering
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- Supervisor
cold-formed steel structures, digital design & robotic manufacturing, sustainability, modular housing, resilient historical constructions, retrofit.
School of Civil Engineering