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Showing 1781 - 1800 of 2736 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Sociology, Feminist Theory and Gender Studies, African Feminism(s), Postcolonial Studies Anthropology of Ontologies, Northern Ghana.
School of Politics and International Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Monetary Theory and Policy Central Banking System Open-Economy Macroeconomics International Finance.
- Type
- Research area
The School of Languages, Cultures and Societies conducts world-leading research into human languages, cultures, and societies past and prese...
- Type
- Research area
Researchers in the School of Chemical and Process Engineering take a multi-disciplinary and modern approach to Chemical Engineering, integra...
- Type
- Research area
This group develops new technologies to support the development of chemical processes from laboratory to manufacturing scale. This involves ...
- Type
- Project
With the popularization of both point based data and neural networks, there is high interest in doing research in the overlap of these two a...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Supervisor
Chinese theatre, intangible cultural heritage, cultural and creative industries, digital economy.
School of Performance and Cultural Industries
- Type
- Supervisor
ecological economics, macroeconomics, sustainability, economy-environment modelling.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Project
For many years our lab has investigated how the nervous system can be involved in controlling the cardiovascular system, including the heart...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Supervisor
Spanish language, language learning, CLIL, language assessment, language pedagogies, feedback and assessment in HE, Spanish culture and literature, Spanish modernity, gender studies,.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
- Type
- Project
Musculoskeletal models are highly valuable in investigating musculoskeletal diseases, in particular in preventing and slowing the progressio...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
- Type
- Supervisor
cultural geography, public-art practice, sexuality, queer theory, citizenship, digital culture, social inclusivity.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Public Health, Public Health Leadership, Public Health Workforce Development, Ophthalmic Public Health, Ethics, Public Health Ethics, HIV and Sexual Health.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Respiratory Medicine, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Lung Infection, Inflammation, Allergy, Inflammasome, Informatics, Ion Transport, Microbiome, cancer.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
tunnelling rock mechanics mining and geotechnical engineering engineering geology.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Platelet Biology, Thrombosis, Cell Signalling.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Musculoskeletal conditions, Long-term conditions, Health services research, Health Visiting, Community Nursing.
School of Healthcare
- Type
- Supervisor
Clinical psychology, Cystic Fibrosis, Chronic illness, adherence, motivational interviewing, psychotherapy process.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Disorders of gut-brain interaction, irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia, clinical trials, epidemiology, meta-analysis, diagnostic tests.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
sustainable urban development, climate emergency, coproduction, action research, housing and regeneration.
School of Geography