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Showing 1741 - 1760 of 2736 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Nutrition, Public Health, Data Science, AI, Health Geography.
School of Food Science and Nutrition
- Type
- Supervisor
health policy analysis, health systems assessments, capacity strengthening.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
road user behaviour, perception and sensorimotor control, decision-making, driver distraction, road user interaction, mathematical modelling, automation, virtual testing.
Institute for Transport Studies
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- Supervisor
qualitative methods, visual methods, global mental health, well-being, gender and sexuality, women's erotica, yaoi, Boys' Love manga.
School of Psychology
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- Supervisor
Cardiac metabolism Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
International economics, microeconomics, applied econometrics.
- Type
- Supervisor
Appetite, Home environment, Eating Behaviours, Obesity, Parental Feeding Practices, Disordered Eating.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
transport safety, workload, fatigue, driver distraction, sleep apnoea, emotion, technologies.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Clinical Trials, Statistics, Complex Interventions, Stroke, Older People, Mental health, Primary Care, Audit & Feedback, Cancer, Palliative Care.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Medicines Information, Risk Benefit Communication, Uncertainty, Medicines Optimisation.
School of Healthcare
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- Supervisor
attitudes, affective attitudes, health behaviour, question-behaviour effect, attitudinal ambivalence, theory of planned behaviour.
School of Psychology
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- Supervisor
Appetite control, Energy balance, Physical activity, Diet & nutrition, Obesity, Weight loss interventions.
School of Psychology
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- Supervisor
statistical genetics, genetic epidemiology.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
computational biomechanics, musculoskeletal modelling, cranial biomechanics.
School of Mechanical Engineering
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- Supervisor
Development Economics, Public Economics with emphasis on Distributional Analysis, Applied Microeconomics, Welfare Economics (Applied), Applied Micro-econometrics.
- Type
- Supervisor
Architecture Digital Heritage Memory Post-Conflict Urbanism and Urban Politics, Design Co-production Methods Community Engagement.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
materials, infrastructure systems, resource recovery from waste, interdisciplinary research, durability and resilience, autonomous systems and robots, infrastructure economics, circular economy.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
gender Islam Indonesia Southeast Asia gender identities and politicsĀ gender and climate change climate and disability (diffability) justice feminist postcolonial and decolonial studies.
School of Geography
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- Supervisor
economic appraisal, cost-benefit analysis, valuation of non-market goods, welfare economics, value of travel time, accessibility, transport economics, railways, urban realm, public sector economics.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Academic Writing Pedagogies, Critical Social Theory, Professional Learning in and for the Clinical Workplace, Scholarship of Learning and Teaching, Qualitative Research Methodology.
School of Medicine