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Showing 1661 - 1680 of 2735 results
- Type
- Supervisor
peatlands, hydrology, water, catchment management, soil, agriculture, climate change, hillslope, water quality, carbon cycling, floods, rivers, drainage, wetlands, upland, moorland, physical geography.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
liaison psychiatry, psychological treatment, medically unexplained symptoms, sefl-harm, depression and physical long term conditions.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Global carbon cycle Amazonian climate and tropical forests tropical forest ecophysiology.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
physical activity, appetite control, energy balance, gut peptides, obesity, weight loss interventions, anti-obesity pharmaceutical products, tracking technologies.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
stroke, stroke rehabilitation, ageing, rehabilitation.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Multiple Myeloma, Clinical Trial design and Delivery, Tumour Immunology & Immunotherapy.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
ageing, multimorbidity, frailty, delirium, dementia.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
GIS retail geography urban geography health geography spatial modelling.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric science, ozone layer, climate, air pollution, air quality, numerical modelling, satellite observations.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
soil science, sustainable agriculture, peatlands, carbon cycle, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, water quality, dissolved organic carbon, land management, climate change.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
road safety, road user behaviour, speed management, vehicle design, in-vehicle HMI, road design.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
3D vision, perception, perception-action, VR, MR, reaching and grasping, sensorimotor adaptation, intuitive physics.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Statistics, Clinical Trials.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Neuroblastoma, Ewing sarcoma, Osteosarcoma, Circulating biomarkers of risk and response, Targeted therapy, Cancer-initiating stem-like cells, ABC transporter proteins, preclinical models.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Psychological and social aspects of prenatal screening, Health Inequalities in adults with a learning disability Improving equality diversity and inclusion in Higher Education.
- Type
- Supervisor
Microeconomics of transport demand and welfare, theoretical basis of discrete choice models especially the Random Utility Model, valuation of non-market goods in transport especially time savings.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
School of Healthcare
- Type
- Supervisor
Mobility and energy practices, future mobility systems, adoption of new vehicle technology, 'car usership', evaluation of policy interventions, climate change policy.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Project
Genuinely discrete discrete probability What “genuinely discrete” methods can be used with discrete random variables? When we fi...
Application deadline | Ongoing |
Competition funded
- Type
- Supervisor
Humanoid Robotics, Legged Locomotion, Motion Planning, Shared Autonomy.
School of Mechanical Engineering