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Showing 1521 - 1540 of 2735 results
- Type
- Supervisor
transport governance, decision-making, public policy, climate change, energy, smart mobility, public management.
Institute for Transport Studies
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- Supervisor
film theory world cinema modernism cinema and other arts politics and representation film-philosophy.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
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- Supervisor
geomorphology, hydrology, modelling.
School of Geography
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- Supervisor
Health communication, health behaviour change, healthcare professional-patient interactions, patient safety, mixed methods, questionnaire design.
School of Psychology
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- Supervisor
Radiotherapy, Patient Reported Outcomes, Clinical Trials, Technical Radiotherapy, Health-Related Quality of Life, Patient-Public Interaction, Health Services Research.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Implementation research, primary care.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Inflammatory Arthritis including RA, psoriatic arthritis, AS, SLE, Scleroderma, Sjogren Syndrome, immunotherapy, disease prevention, ultrasound, MRI imaging.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Medication adherence, health behaviour change patient partnerships consultation skills, community pharmacy.
School of Healthcare
- Type
- Supervisor
welfare economics, choice modelling, (bayesian) econometrics, nonmarket valuation, travel demand, travel behaviour, stated preference, revealed preference, value of travel time, cost-benefit analysis.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Cognitive Neuroscientist, Cognitive and Motor Ageing, Neurodegeneration, Neuroplasticity, fMRI, fNIRS, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Eye Tracking.
School of Psychology
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- Supervisor
Epidemiology, genetics, statistical genetics, cancer.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
School of Geography
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- Supervisor
The Politics of Climate Change, Progressive State Leadership, Cosmopolitan Realism, International Theory.
School of Politics and International Studies
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- Supervisor
Strategic transport modelling, Traffic assignment, Network resilience, Transport Engineering.
Institute for Transport Studies
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- Supervisor
Glycaemia in Diabetes, Thrombosis in Diabetes, Reduction of Cardiovascular Risk in Individuals with Diabetes.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
fluid mechanics, tribology, mathematical modelling, simulation, computational mechanics, multiphase flow, free-surface flows, droplet dynamics, wetting, printing and coating flows, mixing, CFD.
School of Mechanical Engineering
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- Supervisor
Cancer pharmacology, Translational cancer research, Omega-3 fatty acids, Colorectal cancer.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
International Relations, Global Governance, Human Protection, United Nations, Constructivism and Norm Diffusion, Responsibility to Protect (R2P), Women Peace and Security, Peace and Conflict Studies.
School of Politics and International Studies
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- Supervisor
Health economics, Test Evaluation, Diagnosis, Health Technology Assessment, Decision modelling, Discrete Event Simulation, Evidence-based Laboratory Medicine.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Additive manufacturing.
School of Mechanical Engineering