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Showing 1401 - 1420 of 2726 results
- Type
- Supervisor
English for Academic Purposes, academic writing.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
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circular economy, participation process management, governance, business model innovation, network analysis, sustainability, transdisciplinary research.
School of Civil Engineering
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metaethics, value theory, practical reason, normative ethics.
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science
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- Supervisor
Bioenergy, algal biotechnology, waste management, waste to energy, nutrient recovery, characterisation and analytical sciences, thermochemical and biological processing of biomass.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
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- Supervisor
Atmospheric chemistry, planetary atmospheres, kinetics and photochemistry, mesosphere, marine boundary layer.
School of Chemistry
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energy storage, industrial decarbonisation, iron and steel, hydrogen, electric vehicles, thermodynamics, economics, renewable energy.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
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- Supervisor
Sustainable Transport, Travel Behaviour, Road Safety, Transport Planning, Traffic Engineering.
Institute for Transport Studies
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- Supervisor
applied theatre, drama education, participatory performance practice, risk and vulnerability in performance, arts health, event cultures, festival performance, electronic dance music culture.
School of Performance and Cultural Industries
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- Supervisor
Health economics, Patient-reported outcomes, Preference-based utility measures, Quality of life, Learning disability.
School of Medicine
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Central Banking Monetary Economics International Economics & Finance Energy Economics Macroeconomics European Monetary Union Applied Econometrics.
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peatlands | wetlands | climate | hydrology | biogeography | environmental change.
School of Geography
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- Supervisor
Genre pedagogy, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Multimodality, Colour Semiotics, Critical Discourse Analysis, LCT, EAP Curriculum Design, STEM Discourse, Cumulative Learning.
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Anthropology and Sociology of Islam and Muslim Diasporas Muslims in Britain and Europe Migration Diaspora Transnationalism Pilgrimage Culture Religion Ethnicity Identity Politics the State.
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science
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- Supervisor
cluster algebras, representations of algebras, triangulated categories, homological algebra, tilting theory, algebraic groups.
School of Mathematics
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- Supervisor
English for Academic Purposes, cultural / linguistic diversity in EAP / HE, creative and translingual practices in EAP, feedback literacy, identity affect and relational pedagogies.
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• Multi-scale process modelling and CFD • Synthesis of particulate materials via crystallisation and spray drying processes • Modelling of advanced low-carbon hydrogen production processes.
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
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Transonic/supersonic aerodynamics, automotive aerodynamics, bluff body aerodynamics, plasma physics, flow control, CFD, wind tunnel tests, CAD.
School of Mechanical Engineering
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sensory science, new product development, product and process optimisation, wine science, food processing, experimental design and statistical modelling.
School of Food Science and Nutrition
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Environmental Microbiology Aerobiology hospital infection control.
School of Civil Engineering
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Epistemology Philosophy of Language philosophy of technology.
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science