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Showing 1181 - 1200 of 2729 results
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- Research area
PAC Lab is a multidisciplinary research group dedicated to understanding how humans interact with virtual and natural environments.
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- Research area
Research in the Integrative Membrane Biology group therefore focusses on the structure and function of membrane proteins, and their role in ...
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- Supervisor
Social computing business analytics social data mining.
Analytics, Technology and Operations
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- Supervisor
transport modelling, transport sustainability and resilience.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
sociophonetics, accent bias and inequalities, bilingualism, speech perception, L2 speech learning, acquisition of sociophonetic variation, Galician phonetics.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
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- Supervisor
Decision support systems, explainable artificial intelligence, machine learning, data and text mining, multi-criteria decision analysis.
Analytics, Technology and Operations
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- Supervisor
rural livelihoods vulnerability and resilience climate change and development, Africa region Tanzania.
School of Earth and Environment
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- Supervisor
Contemporary music and global cultures, musical ethics, arts and conflict transformation, voice trauma storytelling, audiovisual media, aesthetics, cultural memory, ecomusicology.
School of Music
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- Supervisor
Crusades and the Latin East, Medieval Warfare Chivalry and Tournaments, Medieval German Language and Literature, the Medieval Baltic region.
School of History
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- Supervisor
driving cognition, social cognition in driving, cross-cultural effect on driving, road users' interaction, human factors, vehicle automation.
Institute for Transport Studies
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- Supervisor
bioactive agent delivery, microencapsulation, sustained release, functional food development, materials engineering and characterization.
School of Food Science and Nutrition
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- Supervisor
Science Communication, Literature and Science, History of Childhood, History of Psychology & Psychiatry, Medical Humanities, Environmental Humanities.
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science
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- Supervisor
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Particle/Aerosol dispersion in turbulent flows, Multi-disciplinary Design Optimisation, Lattice Boltzmann Method, Data Assimilation, Machine Learning, Medical Flow.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Politics and Culture of Georgian Britain, 18th-century history, theatre history, parliamentary history, newspapers and print culture, oratory and rhetoric, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Joshua Reynolds.
School of English
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- Supervisor
geomechanics compacted materials soil stabilisation.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Decision research, including group psychology and group decision making.
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- Research area
We have established excellent relations with external collaborators and together we aim to improve the quality of life for the elderly and s...
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- Supervisor
ecosystem services, public goods, remote sensing, modelling, geographical information systems, GIS, climate change, land use, land cover, common agricultural policy, CAP, farming, agriculture.
School of Geography
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- Supervisor
Ethical consumer behaviour, sustainability behaviour change, product sustainability standards, sustainability strategies in retailing.
School of Earth and Environment
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- Supervisor
mobile robots, legged robots, wheel-legged robots, robot locomotion and manipulation, model-based control, learning-based control.
School of Mechanical Engineering