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Showing 1161 - 1180 of 2729 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Cardiovascular complications of anaesthesia and surgery, risk estimation in surgery and anaesthesia, frailty in the surgical patient, exercise and functional capacity in surgical patients.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
urban science, spatial inequality, greenspace, health, mental wellbeing, places left behind, GIS.
School of Geography
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- Supervisor
past climates, past environments, climate modelling, earth system modellling.
School of Earth and Environment
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- Supervisor
The social study of information systems Specifically: digital innovation, digital inclusion, information technology and international development, participatory design.
Management and Organisations
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- Supervisor
Epidemiology, large complex clinical data, advanced analytical methodology, flexible parametric survival modelling, causal inference approaches, cardiovascular survivorshop and multimorbidity.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
monitoring and modelling global environmental change, tropical deforestation, desertification, global climate change, science-policy communication, global environmental change policy.
School of Geography
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- Supervisor
Reproductive biology, endocrinology, diabetes, maternal nutrition, placental biology, fetal growth, extracellular vesicles (EVs), vasculature, miRNA, proteomics, cell signalling.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Medicinal chemistry, synthetic methods, chemical biology, drug design, molecular modelling.
School of Chemistry
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- Supervisor
knowledge capture, text analysis, ontological modelling, information exploration, user/group modelling, user-adapted interactive systems, decision support systems, intelligent learning environments.
School of Computer Science
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- Supervisor
geodynamics, computing, numerical modelling, geomagnetism.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Food security (household food insecurity), Surplus Food Redistribution, Food Loss and Waste, Agri-food system, Food Supply Chains, Food Quality and Safety Standards/Regulation Qualitative Methods.
School of Food Science and Nutrition
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- Supervisor
interdisciplinary applied health research, evidence synthesis, development and evaluation of complex interventions, mixed methods, implementation science, life after stroke, ageing, quality of life.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
Stroke care, qualitative research, ethnography, process evaluation, experience-based co-design, co-production.
School of Medicine
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- Supervisor
skin integrity, wound care, pressure injury.
School of Healthcare
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- Supervisor
Graph algorithms Geometric graph theory Approximation algorithms.
School of Computer Science
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- Supervisor
epistemology philosophy of science metaphysics.
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science
- Type
- Supervisor
contentious political behaviours, terrorism, civil resistance, civil wars, radicalisation, quantitative methods, survey experiments, interviews.
School of Politics and International Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
data visualization, applied data science, usable statistics, open source computing, active transport.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Attitudes and behaviours, transport safety, global south, human factors, qualitative analysis, multivariate data analyses.
Institute for Transport Studies
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- Supervisor
Abdominal aortic aneurysm, vascular smooth muscle, pre-clinical imaging, vascular biology, cell biology, cardiovascular disease, calcium channels.
School of Medicine