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Showing 1061 - 1080 of 2726 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Golden Age drama and prose fiction, Hispanic and European cinema(s), translation, popular music, contemporary Spanish culture and politics, Twentieth-Century Spanish theatre, gender and sexuality.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
- Type
- Supervisor
patient preference, decision making, measurement and valuation of health, health economics, discrete choice experiments, behavioural economics.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
cultural value, cultural engagement, audience research, audience engagement, arts marketing, arts management, cultural policy.
School of Performance and Cultural Industries
- Type
- Supervisor
Clinical Psychology, Neurobiology of Appetite, Eating Disorders.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Mountain glaciers, Remote sensing, Natural hazards, Digital skills teaching.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Early support and education of children who are deaf and their families, deaf children's communication and language learning in multilingual contexts, bilingual pedagogies and teacher development.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
General surgery with Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery subspecialisation, minimally invasive surgery, Gastrointestinal oncology, nanomedicine.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
mineral physics, lower mantle, deep Earth, density functional theory, elastic constants, thermal conductivity, phase transitions, spin transitions.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Teaching Arabic as a second language, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, curriculum design, language learning needs & attitudes, Arabic teacher training, dialectology & mutual intelligibility.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
- Type
- Supervisor
, clinical oncology, radiotherapy, uro-oncology, clinical trials.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
Theravada Buddhism, Thai Buddhism, modern Thai history, Thai language.
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
- Type
- Supervisor
Tropical meteorology tropical cyclones convection and high impact weather monsoons large-scale circulations.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Risk, security, governance, uncertainty, contingency, futures thinking Widening access and participation, educational inequalities, universities of sanctuary.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
sustainability transformations, decision making, public perceptions, participation, uncertainty, infrastructure.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
human-environment interactions small-scale fisheries local ecological knowledge shark conservation participatory research and co-creation.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Just transitions, climate & energy transitions, energy policy, Industrial decarbonisation, Asia-Pacific, China, Southeast Asia.
School of Politics and International Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Computer Vision | AI and Machine Learning | Autonomous Vehicles | Large Language Models (LLMs) | CCAM | Driver Monitoring | Pedestrian Behaviour Analysis | Road Users Safety | Micromobility.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Reproductive science, ovarian physiology, follicle development, markers of oocyte quality, female fertility, assisted reproductive technology, fertility preservation, ovarian cryopreservation.
School of Medicine
- Type
- Supervisor
engineering geology, geohazards, rock slope engineering.
School of Earth and Environment
- Type
- Supervisor
Applied health research methodology, Clinical Trials, Complex Intervention Development, Process Evaluation, Pain assessment, Cancer pain, Neuropathic pain, Quantitative Sensory Testing.
School of Medicine