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Showing 1 - 20 of 56 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Freight transport, Logistics, Supply chain, Decarbonisation, Green logistics, Digitalisation, Maritime economics, Net-zero freight Supply chain resilience, Structural equation modelling.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Sustainable Transport, Travel Behaviour, Road Safety, Transport Planning, Traffic Engineering.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
welfare economics, choice modelling, (bayesian) econometrics, nonmarket valuation, travel demand, travel behaviour, stated preference, revealed preference, value of travel time, cost-benefit analysis.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Traffic Engineering, Transport Network Modelling, Traffic Control, Road Safety.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Human factors, road user behaviours, distracted driving, traffic and organizational safety culture, traffic and transportation psychology.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
transport economics, freight transport, logistics management.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Spatial network models of transport systems, geographic understandings of transport planning, social geography of modern mobility, historical geography of mobility since the Industrial Revolution.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Perception, Action, Cognition, Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology, Human Factors, Automated Vehicles, Visual Motor Control, Research Methods, Statistics.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
efficiency analysis, cost modelling, regulatory economics, econometrics.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Railway traffic management, Train operation and control, Railway control command and signalling, System verification and validation.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Spatial analysis and transport connectivity, Transport noise and soundscape, Environmental and health impacts of transport, Public acceptance of transport innovation, New mobility and cities.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
urban air quality, low emission vehicles, vehicle emission remote sensing, transport modelling, emission modelling, big transport telematics data, low emmission zones strategies and vehicles.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
low carbon transport, domestic building retrofit, cycle infrastructure planning, spatial analysis, GIS, data science.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Urban Analytics, Micromobility, Geodemographics, GeoComputation.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
road pricing and network design, traffic signal control, system dynamics, strategic transport models.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Traffic modelling, simulation software, high performance computing, molecular modelling.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Transport Economics, Econometrics, Wider economic impacts, Public Transport.
Institute for Transport Studies
- Type
- Supervisor
Attitudes and behaviours, transport safety, global south, human factors, qualitative analysis, multivariate data analyses.
Institute for Transport Studies