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Showing 1 - 20 of 51 results
- Type
- Supervisor
face perception, cognitive neuroscience, social neuroscience, fMRI, curriculum development.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Executive function, attention, preterm birth, EEG, neurodiversity.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Health behaviour change, health psychology.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Cognitive Neuroscience, Vision and Ageing in Health and Disease, Neurodegeneration, MRI, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Social Neuroscience Social Robotics.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
cognitive psychology, emotion, language, bilingualism.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
attitudes, affective attitudes, health behaviour, question-behaviour effect, attitudinal ambivalence, theory of planned behaviour.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Motor Learning, Visuomotor Control, Skill Acquisition, Computational Models of Motor Learning, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Methods, EMG, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
health inequalities, men's health and wellbeing, photo-elicitation, positive psychology, resilience, belonging, interpretative phenomenological analysis, qualitative methods, access programs.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
qualitative methods, visual methods, global mental health, well-being, gender and sexuality, women's erotica, yaoi, Boys' Love manga.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Patient safety, healthcare improvement, safety-II, Resilient Health Care, patient involvement in patient safety, positive deviance.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
, structural inequalities, sensorimotor control, child development, educational attainment, special educational needs, early identification.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Health communication, health behaviour change, healthcare professional-patient interactions, patient safety, mixed methods, questionnaire design.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Reasoning, decision making, advertising, product design, general cognition.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
health behaviour change, attitudes, social influence, motivation, health psychology.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
social cognition, social category conjunction, stereotyping stereotype threat, ageing, executive functions, attitudes towards health.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
imagination, imaginary companions, play, autism and imagination, social prescription, creativity, parenthood, Development of hallucination.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Psychological Literacy, Global Citizenship, Best practice in student education, Assessment practice, Teaching modality.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
Neuroscience, perception, action, vision, camouflage, driving, looming, collision, decision-making, EEG, fMRI.
School of Psychology
- Type
- Supervisor
physical activity, appetite control, energy balance, gut peptides, obesity, weight loss interventions, anti-obesity pharmaceutical products, tracking technologies.
School of Psychology