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Showing 1 - 20 of 68 results
- Type
- Supervisor
sustainable food systems, food and dietary change, sustainability strategies in retailing, whole systems modelling, urban resource flows.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Geographical Information Science, Urban Analytics, Machine Learning, Knowledge Graph, Data Mining.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Tropical peatlands.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
GIS, urban data science, health geography, environmental epidemiology, transportation.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
peatlands, carbon cycling, water chemistry, environmental biogeochemistry, hydrology.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Agent-based modelling, Decision making in complex systems, AI and multi-agent systems, Urban analytics, Housing markets.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Spatial data science, health geography, out-of-home food environments, food safety, web-based GIS.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Analytical Chemistry (LCMS/MS and HRMS), Environmental Fate (leaching degradation sorption and plant uptake), Risk Assessment, Modelling, Agricultural Management, Soil, Wet Chemistry, Fieldwork.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Geography, Spatial Analysis, Statistics, GIS, Retail, Access to Services.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
cultural policy, urban and rural cultures, consumption (especially food and drink), hospitality, media geographies, sexuality and space, cultural studies.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
migration and refugee issues, border studies, critical human geography, urban planning.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Water quality, hydrology.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
hydrology, water quality, catchment management, geomorphology, soil, uplands, peatlands, field instrumentation, GHG measurements.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
population geography, health geography, applied demography, GIS and statistics.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
machine learning, spatial modelling, remote sensing, GIS, ecosystem services, cultural ecosystem services, landscape aesthetics, environmental analytics, decolonisation.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
climatic sensitivity of tropical forests, impacts of tropical land use change, ecosystem modelling, tropical forest ecology, ecophysiology.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
mountain glaciers, remote sensing, geomorphology, Himalaya.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, Mountain Glaciers, Flood Hazard, Cascading Hazards, Himalaya, Web Portals and Data Dissemination, High-Performance Computing.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
ecosystem services, public goods, remote sensing, modelling, geographical information systems, GIS, climate change, land use, land cover, common agricultural policy, CAP, farming, agriculture.
School of Geography
- Type
- Supervisor
soil science, sustainable agriculture, peatlands, carbon cycle, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, water quality, dissolved organic carbon, land management, climate change.
School of Geography