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Showing 1 - 20 of 51 results
- Type
- Supervisor
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Early Modern English, History of English, (Socio-)Historical Linguistics, Historical Orthography, Orthography and Writing Systems, History of the Book.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
16th- and 17th-century literature and theatre, book history and textual editing, film adaptation.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Shakespeare, Renaissance drama, law and literature, political theology, Giorgio Agamben, displacement and banishment.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
medical humanities, genre studies, science fiction, gender and feminism, critical theory, the Anthropocene and the climate crisis.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Food studies African American Studies American literature.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Language literature and history of the Germanic- Celtic- and Semitic-speaking regions in the Middle Ages, Iceland and Icelandic.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Language policy, sociolinguistics, global English, world Englishes, politics of language and linguistic thought, political postcolonial and decolonial theory, ideology, cultural materialism.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Eighteenth-century women’s writing, children's literature, Jane Austen, animal studies.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Contemporary literature, poetry and poetics, medical humanities, environmental humanities, metaphor in medicine, the heart in culture, posthumanism, ecopoetry, critical plant studies, animal studies.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
The politics of language, language in history, language and power, language and literature, the language and literature of Liverpool 1850- present, Irish studies, visual culture, digital humanities.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Contemporary fiction.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
British Romantic writing, environmental humanities, ecological criticism and theory.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Twentieth and twenty-first century US literature and culture, film studies, critical theory, gender studies.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Genres: novels, short stories, flash fiction, poetry Themes: bioethics, creative health, ecofeminism, gender and sexuality, global health, food studies, posthumanism.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Modernist and Contemporary Literature, Eco-poetics and Eco-criticism, post-war poetry including avant-garde and experimental with a specialism in concrete and visual poetics, literature & environments.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
(historical) sociolinguistics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, digital humanities, computational stylistics, early modern English, digital media, identity, correspondence, technology and communication.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Environmental humanities, culture and climate change, nature writing, British Romanticism.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Victorian literature, literature and science, textual editing, Scottish literature.
School of English
- Type
- Supervisor
Language variation and identity, social class, ethnography, spoken discourse analysis, language attitudes and ideologies, classroom discourse, teacher professional development.
School of English