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Showing 1 - 20 of 38 results
- Type
- Supervisor
science education, initial teacher education, language in science education.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Student participation in and attitudes to education, social justice in education, curriculum change.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Digital Education, Online and Distance Learning, Language teaching and teacher education, Academic Skills.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Climate Change Education Education for Sustainable Development Science Education Curriculum Development Evidence-based Practice Inquiry-based Science Education Participatory Action Research.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Assessment in medical education, psychometrics standard setting and quantitative methods, post-16 mathematics education.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Science education, Chemistry education, Teacher professional knowledge.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
mathematics education, teacher education.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Cognitive Load Theory, Working Memory, Instructional Design, Mathematics Education, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Randomised Controlled Trials.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Children’s reading and writing, school literacy pedagogies, children’s literature in education, multimodal texts.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
science education critical pedagogies science educators' praxis Freirean philosophy qualitative social research.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
TESOL curriculum change planning and implementation, second language teacher education and teacher professional development, contexts and approaches to second language teaching and learning.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
psychology and education, child loneliness, child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing, social support, school-based interventions, arts-based interventions, survey research.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Digital education, blended and online learning, AI, Digital poverty, unbundling, learning analytics.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Intercultural and peace education, learning at the intersection of language and the arts, voice and narrative, arts-based research, public engagement and public pedagogy, co-production.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Professional ethics, professional boundaries, virtue ethics, youth work, character education, childhood and youth, reading interventions, participatory methods.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Inclusive Education, SEN, Disability, Cystic Fibrosis, Children and Young People, Patient Engagement.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Language teacher education, Teacher Research, Curriculum Innovation Global South and teaching English in difficult circumstances.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
reading and language comprehension, literacy, intervention, assessment, randomised controlled trials, special educational needs and disabilities, inclusive education, child development.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
literacy & language learning difficulties, dyslexia, child development, impact of poverty on health cognition & learning, impact evaluation, assessment for learning, inclusion & equity in education.
School of Education
- Type
- Supervisor
Early support and education of children who are deaf and their families, deaf children's communication and language learning in multilingual contexts, bilingual pedagogies and teacher development.
School of Education