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Showing 1 - 20 of 67 results
- Type
- Supervisor
Steel Structures, Composite Structures, Robot Construction, Intelligent Infrastructure.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
circular economy, participation process management, governance, business model innovation, network analysis, sustainability, transdisciplinary research.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Cement and Concrete Sustainable Materials and Processes.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Cement and concrete science, crystal chemistry, microstructural characterization techniques.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
geotechnical engineering, civil engineering design, engineering education.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Pore structure and transport properties, performance in aggressive environments, carbonation-induced alterations on long-term performance, multi-scale engineering of composite concretes, Scaling.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Project Management, sustainability, professions.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
geo-environmental engineering, metal and radionuclide contaminated groundwater, alkaline waste sites, redox sensitive metals.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Biogeotechnics, Sensors for geomaterial characterization, Microbial induced corrosion, Flow through porous media, Soil-environment (microbial and abiotic) interactions, Bioremediation of contaminated.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Reinforced concrete, time-dependent movements including restraint, serviceability, life-span predictions of structures, masonry, restraint and long-term behaviour, seismic design.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
computational fluid dynamics cfd, river flow, flood modelling, environmental modelling and risk analysis concerning health.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
management of transport infrastructure, risk management, project management public-private-partnerships, funding for transport, highway maintenance.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
materials, infrastructure systems, resource recovery from waste, interdisciplinary research, durability and resilience, autonomous systems and robots, infrastructure economics, circular economy.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Human-centric construction infrastructure and urban management, age-friendly cities communities and workplaces, smart sensing and wearable technologies, informatics, digitalisation.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Transportation, Climate Resilience, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, InSAR, Climate Change, Net Zero, Sustainability, Hyperloop.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
Transport Infrastructures, Pavement Engineering Road Materials, NDT, Resiliency and Sustainability, Data Science Application.
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
School of Civil Engineering
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- Supervisor
project management, operational research, productivity improvement, IT in engineering management, risk management, and knowledge management in engineering projects.
School of Civil Engineering