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Social Change


Expertise of research area
economics; environmental sustainability; global development; inclusion; inequality; migration; social change; social justice; society

<h2 class="heading hide-accessible">Summary</h2>

We are working to understand and influence social change across the world. From modernising policing methods in the UK to keeping girls in school in Uganda, we aim for research which has an impact.

<h2 class="heading hide-accessible">Full description</h2>

<p>Processes such as globalisation are leading societies to become increasingly complex, requiring ever more innovative solutions to challenges such as inequality and social justice, migration, economic and environmental sustainability, and security. These issues need inter-disciplinary social science research that engages with policy-makers and the public to shape our future.&nbsp;</p> <p>The&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Leeds Social Sciences Institute</a>&nbsp;is committed to collaborations that produce research which has an impact. Our goal is to promote partnerships, build skills capacity and carry out research to shape policy, public debate, and professional practice.</p> <p>Initiatives such as the Migration Research Network enable Leeds&rsquo; academics to promote change and inclusion through partnerships. The network is formed of researchers and external organisations, such as Leeds City Council and migrant support services, which ensure our approach is focused and relevant.</p> <p>This practical approach is also reflected in programmes such as the N8 Policing Research Partnership, a collaboration between researchers and policing professionals to address some of the challenges of public security.</p> <p>The Leeds Social Sciences Institute is taking a lead in the international arena, too, forming partnerships with research institutes in Europe, East Asia, Australia and South and North America.</p> <p>Through our involvement in the White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership and University Academic Fellows mentorship, we are also playing our part in developing our social scientists and equipping them to continue developing new ideas and approaches in a constantly changing world.</p>

<h2 class="heading">How to apply</h2>

<p>Formal applications for research degree study should be made&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">online</a>. When applying, please clearly&nbsp;state the research area you are interested in.</p> <p>If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence that you meet the University&#39;s minimum English language requirements (below).</p> <p><em>As an international research-intensive university, we welcome students from all walks of life and from across the world. We foster an inclusive environment where all can flourish and prosper, and we are proud of our strong commitment to student education. Across all Faculties we are dedicated to diversifying our community and we welcome the unique contributions that individuals can bring, and particularly encourage applications from, but not limited to Black, Asian, people who belong to a minority ethnic community, people who identify as LGBT+ and people with disabilities. Applicants will always be selected based on merit and ability.</em></p>

<h2 class="heading">Contact details</h2>

<p>If you would like to work, partner or collaborate with us, or want to know more about the research we are involved with, email&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p>

<h2 class="heading heading--sm">Linked project opportunities</h2>
<h2 class="heading heading--sm">Linked funding opportunities</h2>