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Expertise of research area
diagnostic tests; functional dyspepsia; Functional gastrointestinal disorders; irritable bowel syndrome; epidemiology

<h2 class="heading hide-accessible">Summary</h2>

We utilise population-based datasets as a powerful tool to inform the clinical management of patients and their treatment outcomes. Pooling data maximises the use of data from other studies and allows statistical analyses that are often not possible in smaller individual studies.

<h2 class="heading hide-accessible">Full description</h2>

<p>We use local, regional and national-level datasets in a variety of innovative approaches that generate evidence needed to inform NHS services on better patient management, so leading to improved outcomes.</p>

<h2 class="heading">How to apply</h2>

<p>To submit an application in this research area please complete an <a href="">online application form</a> and submit this alongside a research proposal, a full academic CV, degree transcripts (or marks so far if still studying) and degree certificates. If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence that you meet the Faculty&rsquo;s minimum <a href="">English language requirements</a>.</p> <p><em>As an international research-intensive university, we welcome students from all walks of life and from across the world. We foster an inclusive environment where all can flourish and prosper, and we are proud of our strong commitment to student education. Across all Faculties we are dedicated to diversifying our community and we welcome the unique contributions that individuals can bring, and particularly encourage applications from, but not limited to Black, Asian, people who belong to a minority ethnic community, people who identify as LGBT+ and people with disabilities. Applicants will always be selected based on merit and ability.</em></p>

<h2 class="heading">Contact details</h2>

<p>For further information please contact the Graduate School Office<br /> e:&nbsp;<a href=""></a>, t: +44 (0)113 343 8221.</p>

<h2 class="heading heading--sm">Linked project opportunities</h2>